Curated Learning Celebrating the Art of Story

Welcome To My Classroom

I’ve long dreamed of creating a space—both physical & virtual—where students feel safe to share their stories while also engaging with those classic tales that point hearts and minds towards things that are beautiful, good, and true. As our name suggests, I believe that our stories are interwoven with meaning and purpose, so here’s what you can expect from Storyweaver Co:

  • Rich & Robust Literary Discussions

  • Student-led Inquiry into Classic Texts

  • Writing to Discover one’s Unique Voice

Storyweaver Co. Offerings

In-Person Classes

A welcoming atmosphere of scholé & vibrant learning in my Texas home.

Online Courses & Camps

Live, interactive classes where students can engage meaningfully.

Personalized Tutoring

Tutoring tailored to your specific needs, helping you grow as a writer.

College Essay Coaching

Encouraging seniors to reach within themselves and write authentically.

Choose your Storyweaver Course

In-Person High School

Receive a preparatory school English education in the comfort of my home.

Online Homeschool Courses
$95/mo (MS) - $135/mo (HS)

I’m excited to offer the same fabulous courses via Google Meet.

In-Person Middle School

Where young scholars will learn how to joyfully probe texts for deeper meaning.

Subscription Blog & Newsletter

Join my free subscription blog & newsletter, where I’m excited to share:

  • Writing Tips & Techniques

  • Example Assignments

  • Student Model Papers

  • Thematic Book Lists

  • A Literary Discussion Guide

  • And so much more!

Whether in the comfort of my living room or with the convenience of online, you will receive a curated educational experience.

What students & colleagues are saying

One of the teachers that has had the longest lasting impact on me—not just as a student and a writer—but as a woman. She worked tirelessly with me to help improve my analytical skills, and I can confidently say that I went into both college and law school a much stronger writer largely in part due to her efforts.
— Zoya Afridi, Hockaday School & Yale University Graduate, Lawyer

Ms. Birch’s passion for literature and care for her students has inspired my own love of literature. Her way of teaching encourages deep conversations and lets every student share their opinion in a safe space. Additionally to encouraging her students to enjoy reading, Ms. Birch has helped better my writing by supporting my topic choices and by helping me improve my writing skills. Not only is Ms. Birch an amazing teacher, she is very supportive, caring, and passionate, which can be felt in her classroom and in the way she teaches. She is an inspiration to students.
— Louise Deltheil, McGill University Student

Ms. Birch was passionately and emotionally involved with her students by not only helping them succeed in her class, but by helping them succeed in their futures as well. Her advocacy and willingness to help her students was always counted on. Students admired her organization and passion in the school. The classroom, not only therapeutic and filled with positive energy, allowed students’ minds to be at ease and to relax. Ms. Birch built up her students for their next big steps in life and passed on motivation to many, which I still carry with me today.
— Jana Esmail, Baylor University Student

Ms. Birch was one of my most inspiring teachers; not only did she create a learning environment that was creative and nurturing, she always challenged her students to push their capability.
— Nora Malhi, Marianopolis College Student

Ms. Birch is an amazing teacher who aims to not only improve a student’s skill in writing and analyzing texts, but also their confidence within themselves about their abilities. When the students are all into her program, she creates an environment that is encouraging, welcoming, and most importantly: fun! Truly one of the best teachers I have had the pleasure of having in my career as a student.
— Zach Miller, Baylor University Student

Ms. Birch designs fun, creative curricula sure to captivate and challenge evolving minds. Her exciting dedication to uncovering intellect in each of her students fosters an environment infused with not only enthusiastic scholarship, but also confidence and compassion.
— Brooklyn Courtney-Moore, Pepperdine Student

Ms. Birch is one of the most kind & caring teachers I have ever had the privilege of learning from. It doesn’t matter if she has taught you for five months or five minutes, she will leave a lasting impact in your life. I know she has greatly impacted mine, and I can only hope to one day achieve her level of patience and understanding for others.
— Emily McCarver, University of Arkansas Student

Ms. Birch began working in the Upper School at Pulaski Academy during the world’s most challenging moment and in the middle of the academic school year. Not only did she show up daily for her new position, but she showed up for the kids in her class, as well as those online. She was a delightful addition due to her positivity and empathy. She developed wonderful rapport with her students and fellow colleagues.
— Jimi Kay Rahman, Social Science Faculty

Where your story joins the great conversation

Curated Classics for the Modern Home-scholar